Rural Industrial Park for improving livelihood of Women SHGs – Zilla Parishad, Ganjam
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Promoting Livelihood for SHG members
- Limited employment opportunities for Rural Women and limited income generation
- Constraints faced by women to work in small-scale industries due to gender equality.
- Lack of skill development and training opportunities
- Limited market access and steady channel for rural entrepreneurs
- High poverty and low-income levels with the marginalisation of rural communities
- Implemented food processing and apparel units, engaging SHG/PG members and providing them with employment opportunities.
- Skill development programs and training sessions were conducted for women SHG members, focusing on apparel manufacturing, food processing, quality control, etc.
- Collaborations were established with market actors and private parties to secure work orders and facilitate the sale of products manufactured by the units.
- Regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms were implemented to assess the project’s progress, identify challenges, and make necessary adjustments.
- Community outreach and awareness programs were conducted to gain community support and encourage women’s active participation.
- These initiatives have created a thriving local industry, generating numerous job opportunities.
- The project has successfully bridged the gender empowerment gap, creating a more inclusive and equitable society.
- Women have acquired enhanced sewing skills, food processing techniques, and other industry-specific knowledge.
- The project has established strong market linkages and collaborations with key market actors, addressing the challenge of limited market access for rural entrepreneurs.
- Expanded market access for rural entrepreneurs through inclusive supply chains and market linkages
- Securing adequate funding and resources for the project’s establishment and operationalisation was a primary challenge.
- Overcoming traditional gender norms and societal barriers to encourage women’s active participation in non-traditional sectors presented challenges.
- Ensuring reliable market access and linkages for the products manufactured by the units was a significant concern.
- Addressing the skill gap among women SHG members and providing relevant training opportunities posed challenges.
- Gaining community buy-in and support for the project’s objectives and initiatives required extensive engagement and awareness-building efforts.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Rural Development – District
Sub-Category: secRural Development – District
Project: Rural Industrial Park for improving livelihood of Women SHGs
Start Date: 2023-03-01
Organisation: Zilla Parishad, Ganjam
Respondent: Mr Keerthi Vasan V, Chief Development Officer-cum-Executive Officer
Level: Premium Star
See Presentation
Case Study
Promoting Livelihood for SHG members
The project ‘Promoting Rural Industrial Park for improving the livelihood of Women SHGs’ is a transformative initiative aimed at driving economic growth, fostering women’s entrepreneurship, and uplifting rural communities. It encompasses multiple initiatives focused on establishing industrial units, providing employment, skill development, and market access for women in rural areas.
Earlier, there were limited employment opportunities for rural women and a prevalence of high poverty and low-income levels. Gender inequality was there in non-traditional sectors. Lack of skill development and training opportunities limited market access for rural entrepreneurs. There was the prevalence of marginalisation of rural communities.
A comprehensive plan was developed, outlining the project’s objectives, target beneficiaries, activities, and timelines. Skill development programs and training sessions were conducted for women SHG members, focusing on apparel manufacturing, food processing, quality control, and entrepreneurship. The food processing unit set up an inclusive supply chain, sourcing raw materials directly from women farmers and SHGs to empower local producers. Collaborations were established with market actors and private parties to secure work orders and facilitate the sale of products manufactured by the units. Regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms were put in place to assess the project’s progress, identify challenges, and make necessary adjustments.
The project increased employment opportunities for rural women through the establishment of industrial units. The income levels are improved, and there is poverty alleviation through economic empowerment. Advancement in gender equality by empowering women in non-traditional sectors and enhanced skill development and training opportunities for women in rural areas expanded market access for rural entrepreneurs through inclusive supply chains and market linkages. There is upliftment of marginalised rural communities through economic empowerment.
Securing adequate funding and resources for the project’s establishment and operationalisation was a primary challenge. Overcoming traditional gender norms and societal barriers to encourage women’s active participation in non-traditional sectors presented challenges. Gaining community buy-in and support for the project’s objectives and initiatives required extensive engagement and awareness-building efforts.
The project ensured Inclusive supply chain sources of raw materials, including spices, from local farmers and SHGs. Integrated skill development programs are tailored for rural women with a focus on garment manufacturing, food processing, and related industries.
The remarkable success of the food processing unit has set the stage for replication and expansion. Similarly, inspired by the achievements of the apparel unit, a new unit with scaled capacity is being established in another block.
By establishing industrial parks and empowering women through skill development, market access, and inclusive supply chains, these initiatives have brought about remarkable change. Through their innovation, sustainability, and social inclusion, they have created sustainable livelihoods, empowered women, and inspired holistic development, setting a benchmark for excellence in promoting rural industrial growth and women empowerment.
For more information, please contact:
Mr Keerthi Vasan V, Chief Development Officer-cum-Executive Officer at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
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