Thooimai 2.0 Swach 2.0 Innovative Inclusive Solid Waste Management Through Technology Transformation – Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation
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Attendance and Work Tracking System
- No transparency in the attendance of the sanitary workers.
- A huge amount of paperwork is involved in taking daily attendance.
- Monitoring official activity through inspection of officials visiting their assigned wards.
- Difficulty maintaining a record of the work progress on a daily and timely basis.
- No proper record of the amount of waste received, processed and sold at the processing units.
- Taking attendance through facial recognition technology and geo-fencing.
- Check-in check-out time and monitor the work progress done by each ward in charge.
- Advanced dashboard for tracking activity and attendance of each worker.
- Sending timely work alerts to the ward level in charge to update the work progress till the time.
- Options to update the volume of the waste that is being collected by the processing units.
- Execution of 100 % attended and accountable city-wide day-to-day sanitation activity.
- Transparency in the attendance process through facial recognition technique.
- Time-saving and easy mobilization of sanitary workers by decentralized assembly and attendance.
- Monitored qualitative/quantitative real-time KPIs by geo-fenced, geo-tagged and collection updates.
- Volumetric analysis of wet/dry waste at secondary collection points, micro composting centers and dumping yards.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Other – Municipality
Sub-Category: secOther – Municipality
Project: Thooimai 2.0 Swach 2.0 Innovative Inclusive Solid Waste Management Through Technology Transformation
Start Date: 2021-12-11
Organisation: Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation
Level: Premium
See Presentation
Case Study
Case Study Text
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The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.