Institutional Building & Capacity Building – Society for Elimination of Rural poverty
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AP SERP – Institutional Building & Capacity Building
- Women had no say, no identity in the family and were not having any mobility or exposure.
- Previously women did not have any personal bank accounts.
- Due to illiteracy, there was a lack of awareness among women.
- Prevalence of discrimination and violence against women.
- Poor quality and standards of living for women.
- Conducting SHG meetings at night as per the convenience of women who had less or no acceptance from their Husbands and family members to attend the SHG meetings.
- Bankers were given orientation for sanctioning loans to the poor and POP as per their Micro Credit Plans.
- CRP strategies were introduced to motivate and mobilise women into SHGs.
- Kalajaatha teams are trained and deployed in the field to mobilise poor and POP members, PIP Surveys, Grama Sabha meetings and SHG meetings.
- Conduct meetings on scheduled dates at the houses of SHG members on the rotation. Method.
- 8,47,045 SHGs are formed with 89,02,839 Rural Women, covering 2,34,160 Differently Abled Persons in 3,607 SHGs.
- Identified Poor and POP through PIP tool taken as a target group to federate into CBOs and to focus on for all over development of the concerned HH.
- Non-negotiable Principles were implemented in the Project to strengthen the CBOs.
- SHG and CBOs went through 4 stages of forming, norming. Storming and performing.
- Women are being raised as individual entrepreneurs, Group enterprises, Taking up Big Impact projects and undergoing MOUs with Multi-National Companies.
- Identification of Poor and POP members in the Village.
- Resistance from Villagers on mobilising women and attending VO meetings at night, going to banks and attending OB members for meetings and training
- The unwillingness of Bankers to sanction loans to women groups.
- Transportation and conveyance problems for staff, mainly for women staff after completion of SHG or VO meetings at night.
- Opposition from Village heads and Sarpanches to join SHG women in NREGS works and attending Grama Sabha meetings
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: other – State Department
Sub-Category: secother – State Department
Project: Institutional Building & Capacity Building
Start Date: 2000-06-09
Organisation: Society for Elimination of Rural poverty
Respondent: Mr Karthik Tanniru, Project Manager- IT
Level: Premium Star
See Presentation

Case Study
AP SERP – Institutional Building & Capacity Building
Mobilisation of rural women, mainly mobilising vulnerable sections into SHGs, is a very critical area that was saturated in the project. Each member’s profile data and financial data are captured in Mobile bookkeeping. SHG financial transactions are available in this app. VOs and MS transactions are captured in CBO accounting. The department federated these SHGs into CBOs as Self Managed, Self-reliant, sustainable and member-owned CBOs for the reduction of poverty of all HH of the SHG member, improving quality of life, and empowerment of women as a main common vision of these institutions.
Earlier, women had no say, no identity in the family, and no mobility and exposure. Women did not have any personal bank accounts, and there was a prevalence of discrimination and violence against women. Overall, there were poor quality standards of living for women.
For the identification of the Poor and POP in the rural areas Participation of Identification of Poor (PIP) survey tool has been taken up by the SERP. SHG meetings are conducted at night at the convenience of women who had less or no acceptance from their Husbands and family members to attend the SHG meetings. Bankers were given orientation for sanctioning of loans to the poor and pop as per their Micro Credit Plans.
8,47,045 SHGs are formed with 89,02,839 Rural Women, covering 2,34,160 Differently Abled Persons in 3,607 SHGs. Poor and POP identified through the PIP tool are taken as a target group to federate into CBOs and to focus on the over-development of the concerned HH. Non-negotiable Principles were implemented in the Project to strengthen the CBOs. SHG and CBOs were gone through 4 stages of forming, and norming. Storming and performing.
Identification of Poor and POP members in the Village was challenging. There was resistance from Villagers to mobilising women and attending VO meetings at night, going to banks and attending OB members for meetings and training Unwillingness of Bankers to sanction loans to women groups, convergence and coordinating with DRDA and PR & RD Departments was also difficult.
Strrenidhi Mahila Bank was established at the State level to eradicate Private Micro Financing in SHGs. Each MS deposited 10 Lakh of Rs in Mahila Bank. Bio Metric loaning system was adopted in VOS and in MS for sanctioning of CIF Loans and for 100% recovery and to avoid misutilisation of funds.
To promote SERP as Resource Based organisation at the National level and CBOs to have higher level convergence with concerned Line Departments.
For more information, please contact:
Mr Karthik Tanniru, Project Manager- IT at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
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