Implementation of Delivery Van, Bike Ambulance & Janani Auto to improve maternal health – District Administration Kandhamal

SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Aspirational District
Sub-Category: Health
Project: Implementation of Delivery Van, Bike Ambulance & Janani Auto to improve maternal health
Start Date: 2018-19
Organisation: Health & Family Welfare Department, District Administration, Kandhamal
State: Odisha
Respondent: Dr D. Brunda D, Collector & District Magistrate
Level: Executive Plus
Voting has been closed for all exhibitions. Thank you for participating!
See Presentation
For more information, please contact:
Dr D. Brunda D, Collector & District Magistrate at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
This initiative reached to unreached
I want to give vote
I am proud of our collecture mam
Well done. I am proud of our collector.
Very nice for makeing mini ambulance.
It’s a very apprecious work of our Collector Madam.
I really proud of our Collector cum D-M Dr Brunda .D mam
I am proud of our collector mam .
Very good step of our district administration .
I am proud of our collector dr d brunda mam????????????????
Wonderful work
It is definitely a praiseworthy intervention by Kandhamal District Administration to provide health facilities in inaccessible pockets,existing in larger proportion,under the dynamic leadership of Esteemed Collector & DM. We should support it massively.
I am proud for our collector Madam.
Very good step taken by our District administration
A beautiful step by District Administration to provide better treatment to the rural people of Kandhmal.
Really this is a very innovative and praiseworthy steps taken by District Administration Kandhamal .It must help in the health care system in this District where some areas are remote and inaccessible for Four wheeler vehicle .Bike Ambulance can provide timely help at the time of emergency.Specially thanks to Collector Madam .
I heartly congratulations to the Kandhamal Collector & DM provide such type of facility to poor tribal peoples for reduce to IMR / MMR and thank Kandhamal Heath Health Department
A remarkable step towards mankind and people of kandhamal.
Nice initiative by District administration reach to unreach for safe institutional delivery and reduce MMR ,IMR. we are very much thankful to our collector mam.
Hats off to the innovative and excellent works implemented by our collector madame for the needy ones.
Many many thanks to our collector mam and other higher outhorities who take an inovative step forward to reduce IMR and MMR by introducing BIKE AMBULANCE.
We proud of our collector.
I will be happy if I vote go the same
Nice n innovative step of our district administration
Innovative person’s innovative ideas. We r proud of our collector madam. She serves people with true spirit and loves Kandhamal. Thank u madam. Your the biggest covid 19 fighter of our district. I salute u.
The dist admn thinks about the problem of common people of our dist ,very good step,
Uphill task in this KBK DISTRICT made possible by immense will planning & efforts by the leading Lady. Kudos to you, collector madam
Innovative of kandhamal administration show path to other
Very good initiative
Highly appreciative and initiatives steps by the District.administration for wellbeing of the society. Salute to Dr Brunda. D,the renowned Collector and District magistrates, Kandhamal.
Great initiative by District administrative for Welfare of society and empowering women
Salute to collector -cum- DM Kandhamal and district administration. I sincerely dedicate my vote for such welfare movement.
Ill be very happy to vote for such a amazing plan …..
I am truly appreciated to this action plan through which we can provide a kin health facilities to the people of our district.
I have experienced the DM of our District brought immense change on every sphere like Edu. Health ect.and this was an act to appreciate the administration of Kandhamal.i hope, ahead the kandhamalian will experience the better health system.Good luck.
We feel proud as a part of Mission
Mdam realy we are proud for you as a Collector of our Kandhamal district
This is one of the best innovative thought of Collector and DM, kandhamal to reduce maternal death infant death and promote safe institutional delivery. This is also accepted by the people of kandhamal. Nice inciative.
Mdam realy we are proud for you as a Collector of our Kandhamal district
I am truly appreciated to this action plan through which we can provide a kin health facilities to the people of our district.
Great innovative of dist. Administrative Kanshamal , with the leadership of DM . My vote to Dist. Administrative Kanshamal.
Very nice initiative taken by our Collector Madam which is praiseworthy and it will be highly beneficial for inaccessible areas of our Kandhamal district and specially for poor community. Really we are proud of you Ma’am.
Great innovation by the district authorities which will go a long way in benefiting the masses
Salute to collector -cum- DM Kandhamal and district administration. I sincerely dedicate my vote for good job for our District during covid-19 panademic.
Very good innovation of the DM
Very good initiative
A very fruitful nice programme for service of mankind. We are lucky having such collector ma’am. Thank you ma’am.
We feel proud as a part of Mission
Best strategy adopted by Collector & DM, Kandhamal to promote safe Institutional Delivery, to reduce Maternal Mortality rate and Infant Mortality Rate.
Bike ambulance etc. is Excellent & appreciabke effort by Ditrict Administration, Kandhamal.
To overcome the issue of high home deliveries, IMR & MMR, many steps have been taken by the district administration like increasing and functioning of delivery points and enable more alternative transportation systems for the patients. 5 Nos. of Bike ambulances & 14 Nos. of Auto Ambulances has been provided in remote areas.
Now besides the above initiatives, 2 Delivery Van have been innovated which is equipped with all necessary instrument & equipment required for normal delivery, water facility, delivery table etc. with three SAB trained Staff Nurses to manage the cases. The said Delivery Van has been engaged at Phiringia & Subarnagiri block. As a result of the initiatives taken, now monthly average home delivery of the district has been declined to just 15 from that was recorded once as 180-200 per month.
Innovative way to deliver hospitality at door step by DM Kandhamal……
very good initiative for the needy
Appreciable step by the Hon’ble Collector Mdm, Kandhamal.
I vote and support wholeheartedly the District Administration in taking preventive measures to improve upon maternal health of Kandhamal District a tribal dominated District.
I am very happy to vote for this g8 innovation.
Great Dist specific innovative of Kandhamal dist in odisha.
It is highly appreciated that poor women of interior packet got medical facilities as and when required. This is good contribution for our Kandhamal District as an examplary.
Brilliant initiative of district administration Kandhamal
Bike ambulance etc. is excellent and appreciable effort by the District Administration,Kandhamal.
Feel Good factor for my district
I support to Kandhamal district administration for its appreciable steps towards maternal health of poor women of rural belts.
Great initiative indeed
Thanks to Collector & district administration taking nice steps during this covid-19 pandemic situation.
Bike ambulance etc. is excellent & appreciable effort by the District Administration.
Good initiative
Proud to our collector madam..Good Work..
Innovative idea of the district administration. It would surely upgrade the health facilities in a hilly and forest covered district like kandhamal.
I surely support this unique endeavor of the district collector.
Nice inovation by Dist Administration Kandhamal
I vote and support the initiative taken by District Administration Kandhamal.
I vote and support the new initiative taken by district administration Kandhamal
Good initiative by Kandhamal district administration… Way to go !!
I am proud of our collector mam’s new and very effective step , which makes our district more developing in reducing MMR.
I vote and support the new initiative taken by district administration Kandhamal
Nice initiation
this is vry necessary and so helpful for them. Thnks to our district administration .
A great innovation by our collector madam and district administration kandhamal.
Good intentions for the district.
Good initiation for kandhamal dist
Good initiative steps by our District Administration .
Praise worthy
Good initiative
Nice initiative.
I am proud of kandhamal administration,,
It is a great idea to reduce the imr and mmr of the district and in future it is followed by other district to reduce the status of lmr and mmr
Very good attempt by District Administration to fight against Covid-19
I vote for the worthy innovative project for this district.
great support for district,thanks to collector madam
I do appreciate the invotive initiation undertaken by district administration Kandhamal under the leadership of collecter maam. I cast my vote for her nobel initiative.
I vote and Good initiative by Kandhamal collector .
Excellent step’s
Excellent step’s by district administration
I vote and support the new initiative taken by district administration Kandhamal
Very good program
A prospective initiative by the collector,Kandhamal will helpful for over all development of the district.I casted my vote for her.
To best achievement & reduction of MMR, IMR these are very good & fruitful initiatives.
Innovative idea of kandhamal collector mam….truly appeericted…
Long live kandhamal & long live our Collector ma’m….
Good initiation…it help’s to reduce maternal death
Excellent initiative
Remarkable steps taken by our collector mam. Thank u mam
Remarkable steps for poor people taken by our collector mam.
Excellent initiative
Very good initiative
I express my hearty adminstration for the praiseworthy generous activities and sincere preventive measures taken in the pandemic situation of Kandhamal. salution to the noteworthy efforts of the district administrative in hard times of the district.
It is a nice innitiative by the district administration.It helps to poor people of our district.
Thanks to our Peoples’Collector Dr Brunda D.
It’s a best initiative for rural, inaccessible areas. My special thanks to district administrator for a innovative solution for maternal care.
Excellent initiative
Exlent steps taken by districts administration to provide services to our poor needy & interiors for availing best medical service…. Salute our Collector Ma’m.
Very good initiative.special thanks to auto ambulance and auto janani driver for this types of service.
Good initiative by our Dist. Administration. Special thanks to our Collector Ma’am.
Very innovative and excellent idea of Kandhamal administration.
Good initiative by district administration.kandhamal
All credit Go to our Honble COLLECTOR mam D.Brindha Debarajan..
Good project for remote villages.
Excellent always available
Excellent initiative in this difficult times
This innovation shall help women of rural and non-communicated hilly areas of of our district.
Breathtaking and sensational work during this time of crisis truely worth praising
I voted. All credit goes to our dynamic Honble collector madam for such innovative and beautiful project for remote areas of Kandhamal District. Praise worthy.
It is an important program for transportation of pregnant women for institutional delivery, which has an immense impact on infant and maternal death. It is the Collector mam, who has innovated this and has been accepted by tribal communities.
I am proud of my dynamic Collector Madam. Really it is a very nice step.
I am appreciating the innovative steps of the district administration headed by Collector & DM ma’am and voting.
Fabulous steps by the District Administration Kandhamal.Young Dynamic Collector Dr Brundha D.madam done definitely a mile Stone activity in health sectors of Kandhamal.Definitely nice initiative.
Very innovation program implemented by district administration KANDHAMAL….
It’s very helpful to people of tribal as well as unreachable pockets of community to safe thire live… Thanks to collector and Dm KANDHAMAL to take as such proactive steps..
Outstanding effort by Kandhamal administration to provide medical support to inaccessible pockets of the district.
Thankful to our Collector Madam this great & noble initiative
Outstanding effort by District administration Kandhamal Dynamic Collector Dr Brundha D Madam done .Thankful to our Collector Madam this great and Noble initiative.
Very innovative and Excellent idea for our district administration. I am happy because I work for this innovative project our district
Very innovative and Excellent idea of our district administration . I am happy because I work for this innovative project our district
A exampilary innovation of District Administrator Kandhamal for reduction IMR n MMR mortality n morbidity.
An exampilary innovation by District Administration
very good and innovative idea for such things……appreciating heartily!!!
Thanks to Dist. administration Kandhamal for innovating a such a nice project which is more fruitful to the pregnant women who are of out of reach areas.
It’s good project
I vote for the proposal
Wow valueable and wanderful wark ..
Innovative way of our DM
Thanks for the efforts of collector mam for introducing bike ambulance, delivery van & auto ambulance service in the district. It has minimized a lot of maternal & infant death and has increased institutional delivery drastically.
Implementation of different inovative idieas are really development of our Kandhamal dist. Thank You mam.
Now I feel proud my Good work is appreciated by all. Now I am not bike ambulance driver.
What satisfaction I got today as Staff Nurse of Delivery Van. I may not receive same from regular job. I receive blessing from most deprived villages after 70 years of independent
We are proud of you
It’s been a milestone achievement for such a person like Collector & DM, Kandhamal Dr. Brundha D, IAS
Very good
good job
Proud feeling