PMAY(U) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) – Dewas Municipal Corporation
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PMAY(U) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)
- Housing For urban poors (providing pucca houses to all urban poors via PMAY (U) Scheme)
- Targeting urban poverty and trying to reduce it in slums area.
- Development of basic infrastructure for urban poors.
- Strengthening of socio-economic Status of urban poors.
- Lack of a proper channel and mechanism to select beneficiaries.
- Selection of eligible beneficiaries for pucca house via assessment through PMAY (U) guidelines.
- Strengthening of SHGs and its group members through linking it with PMAY Schemes.
- Conducting surveys in slums area and in refugee colony in Dewas to identify the urban poors.
- Development/Construction of Basic amenities (like pucca houses, roads, drinking water pipelines, drainage and toilets) in slums area.
- Selection of urban poors, hawkers & vendors under NULM schemes, so they can be benefited.
- Most of the urban poors have their own pucca houses post project under the city premises.
- Some of the urban poors got their own flat in multies/residential complexes, developed and maintained by Dewas Municipal Coorpration.
- Socio-economic Status and Quality of life of urban poors have improved post project.
- Covered 82 notified slums in Dewas Municipal area on priority basis.
- Achieved a great level of transparency through this project.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Other – City
Sub-Category: secOther – City
Project: PMAY(U) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)
Start Date: 2015-01-25
Organisation: Dewas Municipal Corporation
Respondent: Mr Nagesh Verma, Executive Engineer (PMAY Nodal Officer)
Level: Club Star
See Presentation
Case Study
The people of the Bengali colony were way more backwards than the rest of the population of the town; although they were very hardworking and involved in many different occupations but couldn’t afford a pucca house by themselves. Then came the PMAY Housing for All scheme as a light of hope in their life. They learned about the scheme through newspapers, TV advertisements and their local leaders.
The Nagar Nigam identified them as beneficiaries and asked the local leader to fully make them aware of the scheme and prepare all necessary documents. They did accordingly and submitted their applications with other beneficiaries. Nagar Nigam conducted the survey to identify the needy and proper document verifications. Beneficiaries with proper documents got selected and attached to the scheme, and those lacking documents were informed gently to complete proper documentation and may apply in the next DPR. This is why we have beneficiaries from Bengali colonies in all the DPR. Initially, there were 100 families, but as of now, there are around 150-160 families, out of which we have given benefits to around 70-80 families. It is a matter of pride for Nagar Nigam Dewas to serve selflessly to those who really suffered a lot and were the real deserver of the scheme. The step taken by the Nagar Nigam Dewas is outstanding and makes it different from the league for its extraordinary work in the sector.
For more information, please contact:
Mr Nagesh Verma, Executive Engineer (PMAY Nodal Officer) at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
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