eCAD-Infra: Monitoring micro level water distribution – Department of Water Resources – Government Of Odisha
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eCAD-Infra: Monitoring micro-level water distribution
- Absence of digital platform for tracking micro-level water distribution networks.
- Absence of a platform for integrated planning, execution and monitoring of micro-level water distribution networks.
- The absence of a mechanism for tracking through iFMS digital payment to Pani Panchayats is commensurate with physical progress in geo-tagged infrastructure.
- Absence of a Decision Support System for leveraging inputs from the platform.
- Capacity building of the field functionaries.
- Having a digital platform for tracking micro-level water distribution networks would provide data on the performance of the field offices in the execution of works.
- Having a platform for integrated planning, execution and monitoring of micro-level water distribution networks.
- Having a mechanism for tracking through iFMS digital payment to Pani Panchayats is commensurate with physical progress in geo-tagged infrastructure.
- Having a Decision Support System for leveraging platform inputs to decide on pointed and precise interventions.
- An offline app was developed during which the user can capture pictures from a place where there is no network.
- The platform was integrated for planning, execution and monitoring of the works executed.
- The digital platform will help track the pace of execution of micro-level water distribution networks across Divisions.
- The platform will facilitate integrated planning, execution and monitoring of micro-level water distribution networks.
- The platform will help track through iFMS digital payments to Pani Panchayats in commensurate with physical progress by them in building infrastructure.
- The platform will leverage data to improve decision-making in a pointed and precise manner.
- While integrating the application with iFMS and making the Pani Panchayats understand the mechanism.
- Capacity building of the field functionaries for inputting data in the application.
- Creating a legacy database of projects executed through multiple schemes and norms.
- Internet connectivity issues in rural areas.
- The difficulty for the end users to effectively use the geo-tagging pictures.
- It is first of its kind platform in the state and possibly in the country for tracking micro-level water distribution networks.
- Data from this application will help sustain the efficient use of water and climate-smart agriculture.
- All the data on the micro-level distribution network, thus constructed, can be effectively stored in a digitized way for future integration.
- The automated system of payment directly to the Pani Panchayat would eliminate the middle person and make it a hassle-free transaction.
- Users such as “Additional Chief-Secretary,” “Director,” Chief-Engineer and other higher authority officials could view all the related activities with just a click of a button.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Agriculture – State Department
Sub-Category: secAgriculture – State Department
Project: eCAD-Infra: Monitoring micro level water distribution
Start Date: 2023-01-10
Organisation: Department of Water Resources – Government Of Odisha
Level: Platinum Plus
See Presentation
Case Study
eCAD-Infra: Monitoring micro level water distribution
eCAD-Infra is a Web based application supported by a Mobile App for real-time monitoring of physical and financial progress pertaining to the micro level water distribution networks such as field channels, field drains, micro irrigation etc under the Command Area Development & Water Management programme spearheaded by the Pani Panchayats.
There was an absence of a digital platform for tracking micro level water distribution networks. Likewise, absence of a platform for integrated planning, execution and monitoring micro level water distribution networks was also felt.
Having a digital platform for tracking micro level water distribution networks would provide data on performance of field office in execution of works. Again, having a platform for integrated planning, execution and monitoring micro level water distribution networks.
The platform was integrated for planning, execution and monitoring of the works executed. The digital platform will help track pace of execution of micro level water distribution networks across Divisions.
It was a challenge to integrate the application with iFMS and making the Pani Panchayats understand the mechanism. Also, capacity building of the field functionaries for inputting data in the application posed as a challenge.
It is first of it’s kind platform in the state and possibly in the country for tracking micro level water distribution networks. Data from this application will help sustain efficient use of water and climate smart agriculture.
The platform will be integrated with the Water ERP (GoWater) of the Department of Water Resources for holistic water management.
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(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
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