Indira Gandhi Matritva Poshan Yojana (IGMPY) – Department of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Rajasthan
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Combating Maternal and Child Malnutrition
- Issues surrounding low birth weight and wasting of children
- Anemia in women and lack of antenatal check-ups
- Reduced nutritional outcomes in mother and children after providing supplementary nutrition
- Unavailability of nutritious food due to traditional behaviors, myths, patriarchal norms, and taboos
- Lack of awareness of benefits provided by the government and cumbersome enrolment process
- Addressing gaps in maternal nutrition by conditionalities in the scheme
- Addressing nutrition issues by cash dovetailed with social and behavior change communication
- Awareness generation activities for beneficiaries and key stakeholders
- Building frontline workers’ capacities to motivate mothers to eat nutritious food
- Provision of a paperless scheme for cash transfers with minimal documentation
- Integrated platform for auto-enrolment of beneficiaries and live process of payment
- Provided regular payments to beneficiaries
- Provided cash benefits and social behavior change communication
- Mobilized communities and provided counseling by trained workers for improved nutrition
- 40 percent of beneficiaries received cash and used it to buy food during pregnancy
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Other – State Department
Sub-Category: secOther – State Department
Project: Indira Gandhi Matritva Poshan Yojana (IGMPY)
Start Date: 2020-11-01
Organisation: Department of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Rajasthan
Respondent: Ms Ranjeeta Gautam, Additional Director
Level: Club
See Presentation
For more information, please contact:
Ms Ranjeeta Gautam, Additional Director at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.