Cy Station 1 – Cyber Crime, State CID, Himachal Pradesh Police

Cy Station 1
- A quick response system to the public who lost their hard-earned money engaging themselves in cyber fraud.
- To help public regaining their lost amount by uploading transaction details of the complainant.
- To aware public about latest cyber trends and aware general public to not to fell a victim of the cyber frauds.
- At first there are not sufficient staff for working in data center.
- No Undue lags in registration or Uploading complaint in NCRP.
- Real time reporting of cyber-crime complaint and sending them to concerned intermediaries.
- Working as state nodal account and helpful to transfer to complaint with in the state and country.
- CY Station Data Centre is established for fast disposal of complaint.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: State Government – Home
Sub-Category: State Government – Home
Project: Cy Station 1
Start Date: 3-22-2023
Organisation: Cyber Crime, State CID, Himachal Pradesh Police
Respondent: Mohit Chawla
Level: Executive
For more information, please contact:
Mohit Chawla at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)