Comprehensive Financial Management System 2.0 – Andhra Pradesh Center for Financial Systems and Services

SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Governance
Sub-Category: e-Governance
Project: Comprehensive Financial Management System 2.0
Start Date: Dec, 2019
Organisation: Andhra Pradesh Center for Financial Systems and Services
Respondent: Mr Harendhira Prasad, Chief Executive Officer
Level: Club Plus
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Case Study
Project Summary
Comprehensive Financial Management Systems (CFMS) Solution was enhanced to include Digital Works Management, an end-to-end Solution for complex infrastructure construction work and its integration with Financial Processes. Solution increases the efficiency and transparency with adequate checks and controls for Public Works. The Solution gives a great boon to various stakeholders from diverse departments spread around geographically and with wide range of experience and education.
CFMS leverages SAP S/4 HANA as Digital Core. It is an intelligent, integrated ERP system that runs on in-memory database. CFMS provides a solid and integrated platform for Government of Andhra Pradesh. This solution was further enhanced to integrate Public Works that provides complete end to end integrated processes to ensure increased efficiency and transparency along with necessary checks and controls.
After implementing and stabilising CFMS phase 1, GoAP launched Phase 2 along with Andhra Pradesh Center for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS) and SAP to implement Solution for Employee Life Cycle Management (ELCM), Work Management (WM), Debt Management and Budget Planning.
End to End Solution Digital Works Management application enhances efficiency in public works and financial transactions, effectiveness in control, transparency in operations, accountability at all levels, sustainability in the long run and convenience to stakeholders.
Digital Work Management Application covers below Key Processes:
- Administrative Sanction (with Estimates and Price Adjustments)
- Technical Sanction (with Estimates and Price Adjustments)
- Tendering (in e-Procurement)
- Agreements
- Digital Level Field Book (LF Book)
- Digital Measure Book (M Book)
- Bill Preparation, Submission and Approval
- Payments
Digital transformation of Works and Establish an enterprise-wide harmonised Works Management System on the available Comprehensive Financial Management Systems (CFMS) Platform based on SAP S/4 HANA digital core enabling accountability and transparency
Innovative Solution
- Seamless Integration across Administrative Sanctions (AS), Technical Sanctions (TS), Estimate, Agreement, Bank Guarantee (BG)/ Challan, e-MBook & Billing with integration external application such as Government Orders Issue Register (GOIR) and Maps
- Role based Solution that enables multiple device applications with Aadhaar based approvals, bio-metric authentication and digital signatures at all submission and approval levels
- Real-time as well as off-line measurement recordings and Quality Checks can be performed by Vendors
- Integration with Maps based on Geo Co-ordinates in e-MBook and integration to GOIR
- Seamless processing of payments through eKuber with no manual interventions
Key achievements
- A single, unified source of truth for all Works carried out across departments
- Standardisation of Master Data and Harmonisation of Works Processes across departments
- Analytical Reports and Dashboards enabling accountability and transparency
- Physical Paper movement elimination with digitisation of all supporting documents
Key challenges
- Implementing a common solution catering to all department’s needs. The project ensured that representatives from all departments were involved right from design, build, test and deploy project phases
- Harmonising Master Data, Processes and Reports across departments. Board of Chief Engineers and Department Heads were involved to provide direction to the team
- Change Management was complex and critical. Structured training content with role-based trainings imparted to all the users
For more information, please contact:
Mr Harendhira Prasad, Chief Executive Officer at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
Its probably the only E2E integrated solution which not only addresses Govts Works process , but also brings in Vendors to provide inputs and transparency. It also integrates the works to billing , invoicing and payments.
Government of AP is the first of the state governments to take significant steps to digitalize and make the operations transparent . It will be a torch bearer for other state governments.
It’s very good Program
Great example of Digital Transformation. Kudos to the entire team!
It’s a good programme taken up by the Government for great transparency and evolution of expenditure which is paper less and high accuracy. Thanks a lot.
It’s desirable for SKOCH award
Nice program
Great Initiative from government of AP in making the process transparent by using E2E solution of digital platform.
Works Management System with Budget checks and Bill Approvals. Payments done / made on the availability of Budget.
Great initiative
It’s Great Initiative from government of AP
CFMS provides a solid and integrated platform for Government of A.P
it stands as a role model to other States in india, where transparency can be achieved through out.
I Highly recommend this for other states in india.
Nice Program
A single source of truth for all Works carried out across departments
It’s a good Platform taken up by the Government for transparency and evolution of expenditure which is paperless and high accuracy.
I think Andhra Pradesh is only the state is Working on SAP/HANA 4 for Digital Work Management.
Thank a Lot for this Opportunity to Vote for a Good Project.
It’s very good Project .Happy to be a part of this project
Good program
Bringing the transparency on government complex infrastructure construction work execution within budget using integrated vendor procurement and financial controls for better governance.
This initiative act as an inspiration for other state governments as a role model and next level of public governance. Thanks and kudos to the entire team and Chief Minister of AP also !!!
Way to go…….
One of the best executed project with Government initative delivered by SAP in a stupendous way.
Good programme is taken by the government tq
Great Initiative from government of AP in making the process transparent by using E2E solution of digital platform.
Great Initiative from Government of Andhra Pradesh
It was a great initiative by the government.
It is very good programme .Great Initiative from government of AP in making the process transparent by using E2E solution of digital platform.
Great Initiative From Govt Of AP…….
Excellent Package
Good program…
Good program
good program
Excellent and good avirness programs was conducted.
Great work
Good programme
Good program
Good program
Very good
Excellent programme
This is good application
Nice project
Very Good
Very excellent ???? service
Good Better Best
Its probably the only E2E integrated solution which not only addresses Govt Works process, but also brings in Vendors to provide inputs and transparency. It also integrates the works to billing , invoicing and payments.
Government of AP is the first of the state governments to take significant steps to digitalize and make the operations transparent . It will be a torch bearer for other state governments.
Its probably the only E2E integrated solution which not only addresses Govt Works process, but also brings in Vendors to provide inputs and transparency. It also integrates the works to billing and payments.
Government of AP is the first of the state governments to take significant steps to digitalize and make the operations transparent .
Its probably the only E2E integrated solution which not only addresses Govt Works process, but also brings in Vendors to provide inputs and transparency. It also integrates the works to billing and payments.
Government of AP is the first of the state governments to take significant steps to digitalize and make the operations transparent .
Its probably the only E2E integrated solution which not only addresses Govt Works process, but also brings in Vendors to provide inputs and transparency.
Government of AP is the first of the state governments to take significant steps to digitalize and make the operations transparent .
It is the present scenario which ought to be available at all means for the development of da to day progress of technology and science.
Good initiative taken by Andhra Pradesh Government.
very good
It is 100% recommended for the award for the upliftment and progress of all kind of workers to be alert to attain productivity in proper functioning of industrialization.
It is 100% recommended for the award for the upliftment and progress of all kind of workers to be alert to attain productivity in proper functioning of industrialization.
Good initiative program conducted by Govt of Andhrapradesh.
Good initiative program conducted by Govt of Andhrapradesh.
congratulation sir
Good programme conducted by ap govt
Very good
Good programme conduct by AP Governament
Nice programme by AP Government
Marvaloues sir
Good one 🙂
Five star
Good one
It’s very good program