Mobile 2 Sports: Play at Home – Sports, Youth And Cultural Activities Department, Government Of Gujarat

SKOCH Award Nominee

Category: State – Department
Sub-Category: Response to COVID
Project: Mobile 2 Sports: Play at Home
Start Date: 2020-10-01
Organisation: Sports, Youth And Cultural Activities Department, Government Of Gujarat
Respondent: Mr Chandar Vanu Som, Additional Chief Secretary

Voting has been closed for this project.
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For more information, please contact:
Mr Chandar Vanu Som, Additional Chief Secretary at

(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)


  1. Mobile 2 Sports is a wonderful first of its kind inititiative in the world that is the need of the hour for children who are spending so much of their valuable time Mobile Phones instead of playing sports.

  2. This is very useful app for sports person as well as it’ll helpful to those who is interested to know, to grow or to learn about any Sports/Physical Fitness or Health related information.

  3. It is very useful scheme during this pendamic.
    Lots of athletes as well as others used this mobile to sports and get healthy during this pendamic. Learned lots of new and unique exercises from this and get fit. Many of sports star persons appreciated this scheme.

  4. This initiative is really helped a lot kids during the lockdown period when the schools were closed and sports & pe was not possible. It helped the instructors to reach out to the kids and teach them various exercises.

  5. Mobile to Sports Campaign is an amazing initiative taken by Goverment of Gujarat for staying fit at home.
    It is also in line with the Fit India Movement started by our PM, Sports Minister & GOI.
    Great to see Goverment of Gujarat taking sports to the next level.

  6. Mobile to Sports: Play at Home” campaign was launched by Sports Authority of Gujarat in the year 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic to encourage sportspersons to continue with their sports skill training and fitness programs even during COVID-19 pandemic when sports complexes and stadium were closed. Various sports skill training, short videos of different games were developed in house by coaches and trainers of Sports Authority of Gujarat which was shared with thousands of sports persons by using the free access platform of Facebook and YouTube channel ..
    We would also like to thanks our DG sir Mr.Som sir who bring this idea ..

  7. Mobile to sports is a great initiative taken by sports authority of Gujarat in this pandemic situation our players learn a lot from their home by mobile to sports scheme.

  8. Mobile 2 Sports is best way to learn and teach for every one in these pandemic crucial days. Sports Authority of Gujarat deserve a standing ovation for this fantastic idea and to connect people of their sports activities and deliver the massage to everyone no one can stop our mission to get Olympic podium.
    Anil Khatri
    District Coach (Fencing)

  9. Mobile to Sports is very productive. Using technology at the best and for something positive is the best part of it. People learn so much through various videos of Mobile To Sports. Fitness is very important for health of mind and body. Mobile to Sports is the best way to stay fit even by learning while staying home or staying away.

  10. Encouraging innovation culture to engaged players through positive reinforcement and highlighting successful efforts is a tried and true way to promote sports that is open-minded to modernization and optimization, which can lead to a serious competitive advantage for all sportsperson. Gujarat is the only state to start such a nice E mobile in sports initiative programme mobile 2 sports for sports person and also encourage sports man/women to ensure there employment.

  11. Excellent initiative by sports authority of gujarat. This initiative will give new beginning to sports. In this pandemic of covid-19 situation it will give new opportunities to the athletes and beginners in sports.

  12. Mobile To Sports Is a Good Initiative By Sports Authority Of Gujarat.
    This Mobile To Sports Is Help To Improve Everyone Regarding Play at Home.
    EveryOne Can Take Adwantage from This Mobile To Sports Initiative.

  13. Mobile 2 sports Very helpful for Players to learn Basic skills of any sports . It’s very good platform for Beginner student to learn sports skills and techniques in covid-19 at home.

  14. Mobile2sports initiative taken by Sports, Youth And Cultural Activities Department, government of gujarat is really helpful for all stake holders of sports in this pandemic situation of COVID 19. This kind of unique scheme is really helpful for players to maintain and also to increase thire fitness mental and skills level. This will really helpful to all age group of athelete when they are return back to field. This kind of unique initiative will also helpful for fit india movement for not only for players but for general public also. Thank you respected shri C V Som Sir for given wonderful idea of mobile2sports in this covid-19 situation and congratulations for world wide players and various stake holders appreciated this idea of yours in very short time. Once again congratulations to entire team of sports authority of gujarat behind this hard work under the leadership of shri C V Som sir.

  15. Encouraging innovation culture to engaged players through positive reinforcement and highlighting successful efforts is a tried and true way to promote sports that is open-minded to modernization and optimization, which can lead to a serious competitive advantage for all sportsperson. Gujarat is the only state to start such a nice E mobile in sports initiative programme for sports person and also encourage sports man/women to ensure there employment.

  16. Sports authority of gujarat started play at home campaign, at the time of covid 19 , at that difficult time youngsters and people’s are in troubles of their health, at that time play ground, parks are closed in that situation sport authority of gujarat launched mobile 2sports channel inwhich expert coaches and trainers uploads videos of different games on the basis of technique any one can catch skills easily to get improvement in their respective disciples, sport authority of gujarat have take a great step to get improvement in healthy life.

  17. It’s really good initiative by sports authority of gujarat , it is very useful for sports players to learn about how to maintain their fitness and game skill.

  18. It’s a very good initiative taken by our director of SAG department. Mobile to sports scheme is very helpful for sports person also for general people in this penedamic situation.

  19. This is a very good initiative by sports authority of Gujarat during this pendentives COVID 19 situation. I really hope this channel or FB page wil increase a members day by day and motivate sports persons and help for them performance

  20. Mobile to sports scheme is a great initiative by state government of Gujarat. In this difficult times of Corona, everyone is facing difficulty to play sports. So, the sports Authority of Gujarat came with a valuable initiative to promote sports and educate the athletes at home. Now, this scheme not only helps in home exercises but also a great educators help to all sports persons and coaches as well. Everday there are lots of videos uploading and they are helpful to every athletes to pursue their sport. This is one of the best scheme which involves beginner players and elite athletes,also. #Fitindia, #Fitgujarat

  21. Most amazing and innovative program during lockdown it helped many sportsperson to stay fit and in touch with game via this project.
    Good job by all the staff of Sports Authority of Gujarat.

  22. Respected Som Sir,
    Mobiles to Sports Scheam is a big motivational and promoting enhance the sports performance ability development programme all games players thanks to Sports Authority of Gujarat start this Scheam in this Covid-19 Pendemic situation
    Vishal Shah

  23. I would like to say … In pandemic situation Mobile to sports scheme is the best to save the all hope and dream of players and also connect to other people who want to join or learn skills of different games

  24. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતા પ્રોગ્રામ મોબાઇલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ ખુબ સુંદર રીતે કરવામાં આવ્યું છે.અને ગુજરાત ના ખેલાડીઓને સારી રીતે ઉપયોગી થયું અને આ ઓનલાઈન પ્રોગ્રામ અને યુ ટ્યુબ ફેસબુક પેજ દ્વારા પણ ખેલાડી ને નવું જાણવા મળ્યું.અને ગુજરાત ના ખેલાડીઓને સારી રીતે આ પ્રોગ્રામ ભાગ લઈ રહ્યા હતા. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત અને મોબાઇલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ ના તમામ ને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર અભિનંદન.

  25. It’s great initiative which was really helpful to all the sportsperson to make themselves active and in touch with games and sports and also it has spread to every part of the country and even worldwide.

  26. Mobile to sports scheme is really usefull for all of us now in covid 19 pandemic. Students can practice through these videos. We are thankful for sports Authority of Gujarat for this really useful initiative.

  27. Mobile to sports scheme is really usefull for all of us now in covid 19 pandemic. Students can practice through these videos. We are thankful for sports Authority of Gujarat for this really useful initiative.

  28. It is very well known fact that during this covid -19 Pandemic sports person s life is become difficult.but through mobile to sports program most of the player will be able to maintain sports performance.greatest example of given by top Athletes by uploading video. it was highly motivating for other players.

  29. It is a matter of pride for all of us.
    Through Mobile 2 Sports Channel, the players who are sitting at home are helped by the Sports Authority of Gujarat through Mobile 2 Sports Channel to improve their skills by watching videos related to their game at home.

  30. Mobile to sport facebook and YouTube page is very useful to students for health and technic improvement…also all coatch provide useful guidelines to improve game and better future…

  31. It’s a great thing to do and only the one which gives us joy and happiness and strength. Everyone must play any one sport everyday. Thank you.jay hind.

  32. Very good initiative taken by department of SAG during covid-19 launched Mobile to sports scheme it’s help for all beginners & elite level sports person how to improve our physical fitness & specific game related skills during covid -19 at home..

  33. I’m so thankful for this webpage. It’s significance cannot be ignored in crucial times. During the lockdown it helps many players to excel at their sport. Even as a coach, when the sessions were off, this page helped my students even me to increase my knowledge. I would like to show my utmost gratitude to the for this page.

  34. Its very good campaign of Sports Authority Of Gujarat which helps so many peoples for keep healthy at home and this campaign is appreciated by many national and international players and coaches.

  35. Very good initiative taken by department of SAG during covid -19 launched mobile to sports scheme. It’s help for all beginners & elite level sports person improve our physical fitness & specific game related skills during covid-19 at home.

  36. Thankfully For Sports Authority Of Gujarat For This Really Useful.Mobile to Sports Scheme is Really Useful For all of us now im covide 19. Helpful For Our Players.

  37. Very good and informative step taken by Sports Authority of Gujarat through mobile 2 sport scheme it’s very helpful to young players for improving their physical fitness and games related skills during this covid pandemic at home.. I congratulate to Sports Authority of Gujarat for this very important and informative step..

  38. That Scheme Very Good For Development of sports. Gujarat players get benefits during lockdown and maintained their Fitness level and game technique by Qualified coaches of sports authority of Gujarat. We thanks to our DG Sir Shit C.V SOM and GOV OF GUJARAT

  39. I love that campaign which is started in this time of pandemic covid-19. Which is very useful to all the people to learn how to be fite and healthy and also useful to sports person to learn skills .

  40. Through Mobile to Sports we were able to do our work even during this corona epidemic to the players which has proved to be a very useful channel.

  41. Sports Authority Of Gujarat Started a great initiative Mobile2Sports . Through this initiative anyone can learn any sports/games skills and get knowledge. Even National and International Players also appreciated this initiative. I really like it.

  42. This project is so amazing & help full for Teachers and Students.
    We all need a little poke of motivation every once in a while. It happens to the best of us.

  43. mobile2Sports YouTube channel is a wonderful initiative by Sports Authority of Gujarat. Through this channel Sports persons or all people can learn basic to complex sports activities.

  44. This is very good app mobile to sports created by Sports authority of Gujarat we learned so many things from Mobile to Sports app we are promoting this aap to people and they also happy with this app

  45. Very nice project for development of sports in rural areas especially during pandemics and also benefited many athletes to practice at home.

  46. Mobile 2 Sports is a Excellent Initiatives Taken By Mr. C V Som Sir and the Sports Authority of Gujarat to build the Sports to every corner.
    Now in this Pendamic Situation every child busy with T.V and Mobile Games for this Initiative they focus on his/her fitness and improve Immunity power to fight against any Pendamic situation.

  47. Mobile to sports will benefit the children and they are getting a great response that they can take training through mobile to sports at home in these corona times.

  48. COVID 19 hit harder than anyone could think about it. Every activity was shut down including sports. And then SAG(Sports Authority of Gujarat) started the Mobile 2 Sports: Play at Home program. And it completely changes the approach towards this COVID situation. We were happy and enthusiastic because we were finally connected with our beloved sport. We are grateful and thankful to Sports, Youth And Cultural Activities Department, Government Of Gujarat for this wonderful initiative.

  49. Mobile to sports is not good as expectation because i see many video of trainers without any fundamental skills and wrong information regarding any technique and skills…

  50. SAG has taken efforts to start Mobile2Sports initiative which is commendable.It helps everyone in the pandemic time to stay fit and healthy at home.

  51. Mobile2Sports is a page from where we can take knowledge of every games thankyou so much to sports authority of gujarat for taking the step for developing the
    Sports in this pendamic time

  52. The Mobile 2 Sports, a program run by the Sports Authority of Gujarat, encouraged many times and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covin 19 and keep the skill and excitement of different games at day.

  53. Respected Sir,

    Sports youth and cultural activities department. There are many great activities to play sports from mobile through play at home in Gujarat. Which makes national and international sports individuals very useful for a healthy body for the mind …
    Congratulations Sir

    Thank U Sir

  54. In this pendamic time every one wants to play and learn something new but they can’t but from mobile2sports everyone can learn too many things for their favourite sports and also other sports. So thank you so much sports authority of gujrat for launching mobile2sports.

  55. Tysm Mobile2sports for taking the step by which sports can be developed by mobile in this pendamic year this is a great step taken by sports authority of Gujarat tysm

  56. Mobile2sports is a page frm where we can get knowledge about the different types of game thankyou so much sports authority of gujarat for taking this step by which we can develop the sports and the sports persons by the Mobile2sports

  57. Thankyou Mobile2sports for taking this step of developing the sports or the sports person the page by which we can get many techniques and knowledge about different games

  58. We are thankfull to sports authority of Gujarat for the page Mobile2sports which is going viral day by day and by this page many more sports person were get motivated thankyou so much sports authority of Gujarat

  59. This is very good things which are done by sports authority of Gujarat.
    From this activity people’s know very well about sports and games.
    Thank you

  60. In This pandemic Situation Mobile To Sports is a great initiative By sports authority of Gujarat,M2S is very Helpful For healthy Body and healthy mind,there are so many things to know from M2S. we Have learn a lot about healthy lifestyle from M2S.

  61. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  62. Congratulations to the Government of Gujarat for launching the Mobile 2 Sports Scheme, which is now very nice and welcome, for the players who are currently staying at home and staying in good health due to the Covid 19 Coro virus.

  63. Mobile To Sports Is Very Isefull For Sports At Home.This Mobile To Sport Initiative Helps To Everyone for Improve their Skills as well as Fitness at Home

  64. Mobile to sports idea it very helping in lockdown situation. Our sports person learn online and apply in their game. So proud and inspired to select world level.

  65. ખુબજ સરસ કામ કરી રહ્યું છે સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત.

  66. Mobile to Sports is a very useful scheme in which coaches as well as trainers are introduced through various sports related videos .. as well as videos for yoga and physical fitness ..

  67. In covid 19 situation mobile to sports its modern generation concept to learn at home and work from home
    Last 1 year itS very helpful to us for learn all sports on mobile to sports platform
    I reallly Helpfull to sports person and also all

  68. The Mobile 2 Sports, a program run by the Sports Authority of Gujarat, encouraged many times and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covin 19 and keep the skill and excitement of different games at day.

  69. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  70. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલુ કરવામાં આવેલી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નામની એપ્લિકશન્સ ચાલુ કરવામાં આવી છે.જેમાં નેશનલ તથા ઇન્ટરનેશનલ કોચ ટ્રેઈનરો દ્વારા પોતાની ગેમ ના સ્કીલ વિડિયો મૂકવામાં આવે છે કોવિડ 19 મહામારી માં ધરે રહીને પોતાની ગેમ ની સ્કીલ સિખે એ માટે ગુજરાત સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ની ગણા ખેલાડીઓ એ પ્રશંસા કરી છે એ ગૌરવ ની વાત છે

  71. It is so impressive step by sports authority of Gujarat and Gujarat government it is very useful for persons who want to maintain their fitness. Thank you

  72. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  73. Mobile 2 sports kheladio mate khubhaj labhdai chhe. Mobile 2 spots video joine chhokrao gar besi ne par sikhi sake chhe. A kheladio mate khubh labhdai chhe.

  74. Very good initiative taken by SAG during covid-19 condition it’s help for all sports person improve our physical fitness & specific game related skills at home during lockdown.

  75. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  76. We are thankfull to sports authority of Gujarat for the page Mobile2sports which is going viral day by day and by this page many more sports person were get motivated thankyou so much sports authority of Gujarat

  77. We are thankfull to sports authority of Gujarat for the page Mobile2sports which is going viral day by day and by this page many more sports person were get motivated thankyou so much sports authority of Gujarat.

  78. It’s a Great initiative By S.A.G to provide a Healthy solution to every sports or non-sports connected people to develop and maintain their physical capabilities at home.

  79. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  80. મોબાઇલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ પ્રોગ્રામને સપોર્ટ માટે ઘણા બધા આંતરાષ્ટ્રીય અને ઓલમ્પિક પ્લેયર્સ નો પણ સપોર્ટ મળ્યો
    અને તેમના દ્વારા પણ સ્પોર્ટ્સ ને લગતી ઘણી બાબતોથી પ્રેરણા મળી છે.

  81. Such a great initiative by sports authority of Gujarat in this covid situation
    In this situation how to prepare mentally and physically fit in this scheme.

  82. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day.
    Mr.Manish Kumar Behera

  83. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  84. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  85. The sports Authority of Gujarat organiz SV EduSports upload mobile 2 sports vdo is really helpfull to corona time. This video is very helping to all players & coaches r playing at home for fitness.

  86. Congratulations to the Government of Gujarat for launching the Mobile 2 Sports Scheme, which is now very nice and welcome, for the players who are currently staying at home and staying in good health due to the Covid 19 Coro virus.

  87. It’s a fabulous wonderful on mobile to sports. It’s gives a great motivation to coaches, trainer as well as youth and other person’s.. It’s really a great inspiration message on mobile 2 sports Play at home.

  88. It’s a fabulous wonderful on mobile to sports. It’s gives a great motivation to coaches, trainer as well as youth and other person’s.. It’s really a great inspiration message on mobile 2 sports Play at home.

  89. Mobile to sports play at home campaign is also helping to universalise the access of sports and is encouraging people to play sports at home.

    Thank u So much sir

  90. Mobile2sports program is very helpful for sportsperson who can not go to the ground for their regular workout and prectise. In my opinion this platform effectively and also positive for sportsperson and also for prernts.

  91. Mobile to sports program by sports authority of Gujarat is really good program and I have know about different sports and kit health me to improve my skills

  92. Respected sir,

    Under the Mobile to Sports program run by the Sports Authority of Gujarat, players get good guidance. Thank you so much sir for giving so much importance to our mobile to sports program …

    Thank u so much Sir

    During this corona pandemic “Mobile to Sports: Play at Home” campaign achieves even greater significance and every State in India and every Country in the World should start such a campaign to Build a Healthy Nation and a Healthy World: that is the need of the hour!

  94. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  95. Respected Sir,

    Mobile to sports Play at home campaign is also helping to universalize the access of sports and is encouraging people to play sports at home.

    Thank u So much Sir

  96. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  97. “Mobile to Sports” campaign is playing a vital role to convince people particularly the young generations to spend less time on mobile phones and spend at least some time during the day for sports.

  98. In this current condition of pendemic situation it will also help us To make our physical very well

    Today’s Generation We have to Make distances from Mobile
    That time must be spent on Ground Whatever Sports you can play

  99. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  100. હાલ સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરીટી ઓફ ગુજરાત નિષ્ણાત કોચ તરીક સેવા આપતા ધનરરાજ પિલ્લે સર દ્વારા મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ પ્રવૃતિઓ અંતર્ગત ખુબ સરસ વિડીયો સે મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ પ્રોગ્રામ ને પ્રોત્સાહન આપ્યું તે બદલ સર નો ખુબ આભાર.. હોકી ખેલાડી અને માધ્યમથી તાલીમ વિશે સમજણ આપી છે આભાર સાહેબ આપનો

  101. Respected Sir,

    Sports youth and cultural activities department. There are many great activities to play sports from mobile through play at home in Gujarat. Which makes national and international sports individuals very useful for a healthy body for the mind …
    Congratulations Sir

    Thank U Sir

  102. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નો ખુબ સારો પ્રયત્ન ચાલી રહ્યો છે અને એમાં બધા પોતાનો બેસ્ટ આપી ને કામ ગીરી કરી રહ્યા છે જેથી બધા માટે એક સારી પેહલ કેવાય અને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર .

  103. We are thankfull to sports authority of Gujarat for the page Mobile2sports which is going viral day by day and by this page many more sports person were get motivated thankyou so much sports authority of Gujarat.

  104. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નો ખુબ સારો પ્રયત્ન ચાલી રહ્યો છે અને એમાં બધા પોતાનો બેસ્ટ આપી ને કામ ગીરી કરી રહ્યા છે જેથી બધા માટે એક સારી પેહલ કેવાય અને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર .

  105. “Mobile to Sports” campaign is playing a vital role to convince people particularly the young generations to spend less time on mobile phones and spend at least some time during the day for sports.

  106. “Mobile to Sports” campaign is playing a vital role to convince people particularly the young generations to spend less time on mobile phones and spend at least some time during the day for sports.

  107. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નો ખુબ સારો પ્રયત્ન ચાલી રહ્યો છે અને એમાં બધા પોતાનો બેસ્ટ આપી ને કામ ગીરી કરી રહ્યા છે જેથી બધા માટે એક સારી પેહલ કેવાય અને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર .

  108. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નો ખુબ સારો પ્રયત્ન ચાલી રહ્યો છે અને એમાં બધા પોતાનો બેસ્ટ આપી ને કામ ગીરી કરી રહ્યા છે જેથી બધા માટે એક સારી પેહલ કેવાય અને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર .

  109. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નો ખુબ સારો પ્રયત્ન ચાલી રહ્યો છે અને એમાં બધા પોતાનો બેસ્ટ આપી ને કામ ગીરી કરી રહ્યા છે જેથી બધા માટે એક સારી પેહલ કેવાય અને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર .

  110. સ્પોર્ટ્સ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ગુજરાત દ્વારા ચાલતી મોબાઈલ ટુ સ્પોર્ટ્સ નો ખુબ સારો પ્રયત્ન ચાલી રહ્યો છે અને એમાં બધા પોતાનો બેસ્ટ આપી ને કામ ગીરી કરી રહ્યા છે જેથી બધા માટે એક સારી પેહલ કેવાય અને ખુબ ખુબ આભાર .

  111. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  112. In this way “Mobile to Sports: Play at Home” campaign is helping thousands of sportspersons to maintain their sports skills and keep themselves fit during the COVID-19 pandemic although the sports complexes were closed during the pandemic.

  113. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  114. Namaskar Sir,

    Sports youth and cultural activities department. There are many great activities to play sports from mobile through play at home in Gujarat. Which makes national and international sports individuals very useful for a healthy body for the mind …
    Congratulations Sir

    Thank U Sir

  115. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  116. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  117. As a student I have learned about different games and practice it at my home . Now a days I can’t go to play out side so I apritiate this mobile 2 sports progra and thank you for giving us such a good knowledge.

  118. It is a useful program for the students are playing games and fitness ability is well maintained. It’s very good program for pendamic situation.

  119. Respected Sir,

    Sports youth and cultural activities department. There are many great activities to play sports from mobile through play at home in Gujarat. Which makes national and international sports individuals very useful for a healthy body for the mind …
    Congratulations Sir

    Thank U Sir

  120. Mobile to Sports” posted on the Facebook and You Tube Channel. In this way, this campaign is also trying to de-addict people from excessive usage of mobile phone has been launched for the first time in any country in the world.

  121. Mobile to Sports” posted on the Facebook and You Tube Channel. In this way, this campaign is also trying to de-addict people from excessive usage of mobile phone has been launched for the first time in any country in the world.

  122. Hello Sir…
    It is a matter of great pride for the Sports Authority of Gujarat that Mobile 2 Sports was highly appreciated and thanks to DG Sir and SAG team for this new approach …

    Thank you sir

  123. Everyday new videos explaining new sports skills techniques and various fitness programs (which can be practised staying at home) are uploaded on the Facebook and YouTube channel.

  124. Mobile to Sports” posted on the Facebook and You Tube Channel. In this way, this campaign is also trying to de-addict people from excessive usage of mobile phone has been launched for the first time in any country in the world.

  125. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  126. During this corona pandemic “Mobile to Sports: Play at Home” campaign achieves even greater significance and every State in India and every Country in the World should start such a campaign to Build a Healthy Nation and a Healthy World: that is the need of the hour!

  127. In this way “Mobile to Sports: Play at Home” campaign is helping thousands of sportspersons to maintain their sports skills and keep themselves fit during the COVID-19 pandemic although the sports complexes were closed during the pandemic.

  128. mobile 2 sports application is too good for all the sports person very helpful to learning through online application in this pendamic situation, so I am very thankful to SAG and govt of Gujarat to give very helpful online sports education

  129. “Mobile to Sports” campaign is playing a vital role to convince people particularly the young generations to spend less time on mobile phones and spend at least some time during the day for sports.

  130. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  131. Namaskar sir,

    A very good effort of Mobile to Sports is being run by Sports Authority of Gujarat and everyone is doing their best in this so that it is a good initiative for all and thank you very much for encouraging the player through Mobile to Sports ….
    Thank u so much Sir

  132. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  133. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  134. Really helpful in corona time for exercise n for sports when not able to go out of home… Even who r not interested in sports, start for fitness from urs… Soo helpful to needed childrens…. Tysm

  135. Respected sir

    A very good effort of Mobile to Sports is being run by Sports Authority of Gujarat and everyone is doing their best in this so that it is a good initiative for all and thank you very much for encouraging the player through Mobile to Sports ….


  136. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  137. A very good effort of Mobile to Sports is being run by Sports Authority of Gujarat and everyone is doing their best in this so that it is a good initiative for all and thank you very much for encouraging the player through Mobile to Sports ….

  138. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

  139. Mobile to Sports” posted on the Facebook and You Tube Channel. In this way, this campaign is also trying to de-addict people from excessive usage of mobile phone has been launched for the first time in any country in the world.

  140. As these was very effective program organized by sag and also very effective program as in these pandemic situation as children were bored these help them to layout from gaming’s ,using mobile phone n also to learn new games to make them fit n healthy as good in these Corona period to boost there immunity many children learn n after these started moving towards sports .

  141. Hello ..
    It is a matter of great pride for the Sports Authority of Gujarat that Mobile 2 Sports was highly appreciated and thanks to DG Sir and SAG team for this new approach …

    Thank you sir

  142. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day

    1. The mobile2sports, program Run the sports authority of gujarat many time and gave a very good insight into how easy it is to be able to stay in the epidemic of Covid 19 and keep the skill and excitement of diffrent game at day