Online RoFR Titles Granting System – Tribal Welfare Department,Telangana

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Digital Transformation of Forest Rights Titles and Benefits


  • Processing a large number of forest rights applications with minimal field staff in TWD.
  • Embedding maps with latitude and longitude coordinates into RoFR title deeds.
  • Manual scrutiny of applications and evidence at multiple levels (Gram Sabha, SDLC, DLC) was time-consuming and complex.
  • Digitizing title deeds, including claimant and forest details, maps, and coordinates, for electronic passbook printing.
  • Difficulty in extending post-claim benefits due to the absence of digitized claimant data.


  • Developed an online application for claim submission via Common Service Centers.
  • Created a mobile app for Forest Rights Committees to access claimant details, upload evidence, and conduct field surveys.
  • Enabled automatic capture of latitude, longitude, and area calculation through the mobile app.
  • Developed a web-based application for multi-level approval processes with monitoring and reporting features.
  • Integrated the RoFR database with other departmental databases to extend post-claim benefits to title holders.


  • Issued 1,33,301 RoFR title deeds in two years (2021-2023)
  • Transferred Rs. 595.74 crores via DBT for agriculture investment support and Rs. 35.45 crores for life insurance benefits.
  • Digitized RoFR title deeds with enhanced security features, including QR codes and holograms to prevent tampering.
  • Reduced approval times by eliminating the need for physical records and evidence copies through the IT system.
  • Captured latitudes and longitudes of land areas under Individual Forest Rights, enabling future mapping.

SKOCH Award Nominee

Category: State Government – Tribal Welfare Department
Sub-Category: secState Government – Tribal Welfare Department
Project: Online RoFR Titles Granting System
Start Date: 1-01-2021
Organisation: Tribal Welfare Department,Telangana
Respondent: A. Sharath
Level: Club

See Presentation

For more information, please contact:
A. Sharath at

(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)

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