Water Tanker Pass issuance and Monitoring system – Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation

Smart Water Supply Management and Quality Control
- Unregulated and unsafe water sourcing from unauthorized, polluted locations.
- Inequitable water distribution in areas not covered by Kerala Water Authority’s network.
- Frequent disruptions in water supply due to network breakdowns or lack of access to official vending points.
- Exploitation by private water tanker operators through unregulated pricing and lack of oversight.
- Implement a digital platform with GPS tracking and quality control for water delivery.
- Collaborate with Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, Kerala Water Authority, and private operators.
- Develop web and mobile apps with GPS monitoring and a call centre for service management.
- Create a transparent system with real-time data on water quality and delivery status.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: State Government – Local Self-Government
Sub-Category: State Government – Local Self-Government
Project: Water Tanker Pass issuance and Monitoring system
Start Date: 2-05-2020
Organisation: Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation
Respondent: Jahamgeer S
Level: Executive Plus
For more information, please contact:
Jahamgeer S at tvpmcorpn@gmail.com
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)