Palanhar Scheme and Portal for Transferring Real Time benefits to Orphan and Child in Need of Care & Protection – Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan
The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.

Provision of Support to Children in Need
- Lack of financial support for orphans, single mother children, etc
- The time-consuming process of the physical and manual process of verification
- The requirement to upload study certificates from Schools and Aanganwadi for annual verification
- Tedious method of payment i.e., through D.D /Cheque
- Fulfilled the objectives of care, affection and overall development of children
- Integration with Jan Aadhar Database for receiving verified data
- Fetched applicant’s education data by linking with the SSP portal, Shala Darpan and Private school portal
- Disbursement of payment to the beneficiary’s account
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Social Justice and Empowerment Department – State Department
Sub-Category: Social Justice and Empowerment Department – State Department
Project: Palanhar Scheme and Portal for Transferring Real Time benefits to Orphan and Child in Need of Care & Protection
Start Date: 2022-11-23
Organisation: Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan
Respondent: Dr Samit Sharma, Secretary to Government of Rajasthan
Level: Executive
For more information, please contact:
Dr Samit Sharma, Secretary to Government of Rajasthan at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.