Integrated Command Control Center-ICCC – Pune Smart City Development Corporation Limited

SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Smart Cities
Sub-Category: Smart Cities – Disaster Management
Project: Integrated Command Control Center-ICCC
Start Date: 01-Mar-2020
Organisation: Pune Smart City Development Corporation Limited
Level: Premium
Respondent: Dr Sanjay Kolte
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Case Study
Right from the first COVID-19 positive case detected in city, PSCDCL converted Smart City Operation centre as a War Room. Various technological interventions like GIS-based patient tracking, heat-mapping of infection prone areas and analytics were used extensively to help the administration for decision-making. War Room was involved in tracking of patients, quarantine cases, contact tracing, community surveillance. War room also co-ordinates 24×7 with 15 local war rooms of ward offices for better management on home isolation tracking, contact tracing, co-morbid survey, defining hotspots and containment zones, private and government labs, private and government hospital staff.
PSCDCL provided office space and phone lines to 80-COVID warrior health workers to collect data from the field and integrate it at a single platform. Right from the first COVID19 positive case detected in the city, organisation converted Smart City Operation centre as a War Room. It works on web and mobile-based dashboard. It employs GIS-based tracking, heat-mapping technologies & analytics to help the administration for decision making. It helps to keep track of patients, quarantine cases, contact tracing and community surveillance and plan resources including quarantine facilities, isolation beds and associated manpower for responding to the current challenges.
COVID response is one of the most complex and most agile activities ever undertaken. The early stages of the disease involved tracking of patients, maintaining containment zones and enforcing lockdown. As the disease entered its peak and also the number of patients increased, all the processes and SOPs were recalibrated to manage the incoming data and managing the operations. The availability of technology and infrastructure was instrumental in implementing these solutions in a record time.
Ambulance vehicles and the helpline 108 both have been integrated and tracked through ICCC. During the COVID pandemic, 4,982 requests were received from citizens and addressed. Technological coverage refers to the technological capability, scalability and security components etc.
- Increasing the situational awareness by providing insights using data for civic officials across urban functions through deployment of sensors across the city.
- Standardising response protocol at city level through institutionalisation of standard processes for recurring events, issues and exigency scenarios.
- Enhancing collaboration across multiple departments within and outside urban local bodies and government bodies.
- Institutionalising data driven decisionmaking for regular operations and during crisis situation across levels of city functionaries – right from operators to city administrators.
- Engaging with on-field support staff to address civic issues and citizen grievances.
India is urbanising exponentially with the expected influx of over 400 million people over next 35-years. This rapid urbanisation presents a great opportunity for India to leapfrog stages of development and at the same time address the chronic urban challenges. Rate of development of urban infrastructure in India has lagged population growth resulting in demand and supply gaps across sectors such as water, waste management, energy, mobility, the built environment, education, healthcare and safety.
The ICCC (Integrated Command Control Center) , is used as a War room to handle any crisis situation in the city. Managing the operations 24*7, developing SOPs for managing various types of citizen requests/emergencies, developing synergies between various departmental authorities form the crux of the operations of the centre. Technology part is managed by the Master System integrator, while the city administration including Municipal corporation, Police department and Transport authorities work under one roof to make the city an ideal place.
- Functional coverage refers to the city utilities and services such water, waste water, storm water, sanitation, waste management, roads, traffic, and street lights, social infrastructure such as education, healthcare, leisure and recreational facilities, and services such certificate, permissions and license issuance etc. Functional capabilities of ICCC would be assessed by measuring the maturity of given functional use case on ICCC capabilities.
- Technological coverage refers to the technological capability, scalability and security components etc. Technical Capability of ICCC would be assessed by measuring, if given ICCC product platform components are leveraged by the given organisation.
For more information, please contact:
Dr Sanjay Kolte, CEO, Pune Smart City at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
Very good
Integrated Command Control Center-ICCC – Pune Smart City Development Corporation Limited is good
Very Good