Sustainable livelihood through Horticulture program under MGNREGA – Panchayati Raj and Rural Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh
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Individual Asset Creation through Horticulture Plantations
- Need to transform fallow lands into cultivable lands
- Poor productivity through rainfed farming makes it economically unviable.
- Need for an additional source of income during the initial gestation period till economic yield is realized.
- Addressing the water shortage problem to maintain a good survival percentage of plants
- Created awareness to shift traditional rainfed farming to Horticulture plantation
- Provision of wage employment towards watch & ward of the plants and watering and manure payments
- Promotion of intercropping and bund plantation for an additional source of income
- Utilizing the services of Village Horticulture Assets through technical guidance to the stakeholders
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Other – State Department
Sub-Category: Other – State Department
Project: Sustainable livelihood through Horticulture program under MGNREGA
Start Date: 2011-04-01
Organisation: Panchayati Raj and Rural Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Respondent: Mr Kona Sasidhar IAS, Commissioner
Level: Executive
For more information, please contact:
Mr Kona Sasidhar IAS, Commissioner at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.