Laboratory Services – National Health Mission Public Health Department
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Laboratory Services
- Making available uninterrupted free laboratory diagnostic services including all tests in all categories of health facilities.
- Managing the turnaround time for sample collection, transportation, testing & reporting for the patients.
- Implementation of IT enabled platforms in Mahalabs project from sample collection.
- Quality management of Mahalabs program as per ISO 15189: 2012 quality standards.
- Made available all types of laboratory diagnostic test services inhouse for the patients.
- Quality diagnostic services provided free of cost to the patients.
- Timely supply of test reports by Mahalabs project helped in timely medical care for the patients.
- Out of pocket expenses of patients for the high-end special diagnostic services was reduced.
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: State Government – Public Health Department
Sub-Category: State Government – Public Health Department
Project: Laboratory Services
Start Date: 2-03-2017
Organisation: National Health Mission Public Health Department
Respondent: Amgothu Shriranga Naik
Level: Executive
For more information, please contact:
Amgothu Shriranga Naik at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
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