SIRPI – Greater Chennai Police
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Taking Action Against Juvenile Delinquency
- The issue surrounding child safety was a great concern
- Juvenile delinquency is affected by socio-economic status, peer group, lack of family support, unemployment etc.
- Need for a mechanism to uproot the issue of child trafficking
- Problem of drug abuse in children
- Need for awareness about POCSO
- Children are exposed to a positive environment through classes taken by experts.
- Selecting the students from government schools to brief them about the scheme
- Providing uniforms, shoes, caps, and belts to selected students
- Protecting children from falling prey to drug abuse by experts
- Teaching girl children about POCSO offenses, good/bad touch and cyber offenses
- The government has sanctioned 4.5 Crores for this project.
- Targeted 5000 students in first phase to make them responsible, self disciplined and law abiding citizens
- Students are given food worth Rs.100 each.
- A separate class of traffic rules awareness and cyber crime is also organized
- Two teachers are appointed as nodal officers who are given an income of 2000 per month.
- Developing coordination with all school headmistresses and teachers about the programme
- Selection of 100 schools for the scheme
- Difficulty to gather students as the number of students in few schools were low
- Difficulty in providing uniform and food to selected students
- Reluctance of students to cooperate with the police
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Other – Police
Sub-Category: secOther – Police
Project: SIRPI
Start Date: 2022-09-14
Organisation: Greater Chennai Police
Respondent: Mr Shankar Jiwal, Commissioner of Police
Level: Premium
See Presentation
Case Study
Taking Action Against Juvenile Delinquency
This is a school-based capacity and behavior development initiative that aims to complement the education system by strengthening the values, behavior and contribution of youth.
The issue of juvenile delinquency is a matter of great concern, which is now driven by different factors such as socio-economic status, peer group, lack of family support, unemployment, etc.
A core committee with police officers and teachers has been formed to discuss the issues related to children. A Sub- Inspector was appointed for each district in Chennai City and they approached the government schools under their respective districts. They were briefed about the scheme, and 50 students were selected from the government schools.
The targeted population is 5000 government school children and in the future, more students will be included in the scheme. They are addressed every week, and classes are taken as per the child-friendly book created for SIRPI students. This helps the other school students to join the scheme voluntarily.
Maintaining coordination with all school headmistresses and teachers was a difficult task. 100 schools were selected for the scheme from which students were required to be gathered and provided with uniforms and food which was challenging to arrange. Also, the students showed reluctance to cooperate with the police.
The department organized sports events, drills, parades, camps, study classes, and tour programs along with literary programs for peers with various governmental and non-governmental organizations and highlighted the value of traffic laws and inculcating the habit right from a young age.
The department plans to extend the programme to many government schools in Tamil Nadu.
Students in Responsible Police Initiatives, or SIRPI, is a programme that the Greater Chennai Police started. The topic of juvenile delinquency, which is a serious concern, was covered in this project. As children are the most vulnerable group in society, this project “Catches them Young” and tackled the problem head-on.
For more information, please contact:
Mr Shankar Jiwal, Commissioner of Police at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
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