Ease of Doing Business and Time Bound Services to the Beneficiaries and Distribution of Covid-19 Drugs and Liquid Medical Oxygen – Drugs Control Department Department, Health and Family welfare Karnataka
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Increasing the Efficiency of Covid Management
- Grant of Licenses for establishing medical stores
- Need for including services related to manufacturing of drugs & cosmetics
- Stakeholders were not aware of drugs not having standard quality
- Less awareness about the availability of blood and blood components
- Lack of awareness among patients and hospitals about drugs and liquid oxygen
- Implementing 26 services under Sakala and 16 services under Seva Sindhu
- Designing web portal for NSQ drugs sending alerts to stop their sales
- Monitoring blood bank networking of JeevaSanjeevini by department and NIC
- Web portal with Specimen Referral Form Ids through the KPME portal
- Verification of indent and allocating LMO based on requirements
- Provided services to stakeholders and disposed of around 12418 applications
- Generated 46,615 SMS alerts to reach stockholders
- Prevented the usage of substandard drugs
- Accessibility of blood and its components to citizens and hospitals
- Regulated 10,11,431 vials and 700 MT Liquid Medical oxygen per day for distribution
SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Drugs control – State Department
Sub-Category: secDrugs control – State Department
Project: Ease of Doing Business and Time Bound Services to the Beneficiaries and Distribution of Covid-19 Drugs and Liquid Medical Oxygen
Start Date: 2021-04-01
Organisation: Drugs Control Department Department, Health and Family welfare Karnataka
Respondent: Mr Bhagoji T Khanapure, Drugs Controller
Level: Club
See Presentation
For more information, please contact:
Mr Bhagoji T Khanapure, Drugs Controller at dc.dcd-ka@nic.in
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.