Farm Based Scientific & Technological Interventions for Socio-Economic Development, District Administration Nabarangpur

SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Aspirational District
Sub-Category: Agriculture
Project: Farm Based Scientific & Technological Interventions for Socio-Economic Development
Start Date: 2013
Organisation: Office of the Collectorate, Nabarangpur
State: Odisha
Respondent: Dr Ajit Kumar Mishra, Collector-cum-District Magistrate
Level: Club
Voting has been closed for all exhibitions. Thank you for participating!
See Presentation
For more information, please contact:
Dr Ajit Kumar Mishra, Collector-cum-District Magistrate at
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
Excellent work with a reason with vision.True leadership which believes in action not position .
A change in desired direction is development and this is well felt.
Excellent works
Great initiative steps for the development.
It was an excellent work done by our Nabarangpur district administration.
Grate initiative steps taken by Nabarangpur District Administration.
A model roadmap for value chain based integrated development involving sustainable technological interventions. Great effort!
Great roadmap for integrated value chain based development of existing resources and potentials in an aspirational district based on technological interventions.
This ambitious programme of the District Administration is an unique initiative and promises revolutionary change in agriculture sector.
Very good presentation. Positive direction to a. definitete improvement of social and economical status of the study areas
Excellent initiative by district administration using scientific technology
Excellent initiative by dist administration using scientific technology
Excellent way of bringing science and technology to the common people. A team consisting of District Administration and the Scientific community working towards a sustainable development of the district.
Proud of this program, bringing smiles on faces of farmers through simple S&T interventions!
Very important and basic steps for development, water conservation, and development of farmers
Good n Real Administrator is always doing the right things for the betterment of the people
Excellent. Initiative by Dist.Adminstration.
Excellent work and good initiative by district administration for development of general public of the district aswell as state.
The able administration shows the ability of delivering goods, the good things which comes to the direct use of common people, it is excellent and outstanding. Salute to the administration.
Good work with outstanding efforts by the district administration headed by honorable District collector
It is truly heartening to see the work and the dedication.
Very nice
It gives imense pleasure to see such activities & inovative process of projects in such crucial time for extensive progressful initiation towards proples.
Special thanks to Dr.Ajit mishra & entire team District Asministration & local project frontier for promotinf & awaring all .
Thnanks & Regards- Devi Mishra
Legal entrepreneur,
Note- use Mask & wash ur hands to avoid corona.
Excellent job has done by the Administration. Every district administration should learn from this. Good n Real Administrator is always doing the right things for the betterment of the people….
Excellent opportunity to showcase Odisha’s talent. And extraordinary leadership!!
Excellent Work Done
Excellent Work Done
This is an unique and best platform for farmers development .That’s why I give salutes to the district administration, all csir scientific teams and both state and central government.
This is an unique and best platform for farmers development. That’s why I salute to nabarangpur district administration, all scientific institution of CSIR and both state and central government.
A good organised steps taken by district and the R&Di institutes for the benifitrs of pepole.
This is the best program for the farmers development …….thanks to collector sir Nabarangpur…. district…..
This is the best program for the farmers development …….thanks to collector sir Nabarangpur…. district…..
Excellent work and Extrordinary leadership
Thank’s to Nabarangpur district admittation
Thank’s to Nabarangpur district administration exlent work
Truely excellent piece of work with a sustainable vision and true leadership by Collector & District Magistrate, Nabarangapur. The district administration, who not only believes in action but also in grassroot level development.
A new horizon towards district administration
This scientific intervention program conducted by the nabarangpur district is the best platform for the development of farmers of nabarangpur district so thanks to district collector sir nabarangpur
Proud of this program, bringing smiles on faces of farmers through simple S &T interventions at Nabaranga pur district… …thanks to collector sir…..
This is the best program of S&T intorvention for farmer so i thanks to our dist collectorate
Excellent initiative taken by 12 scientific institutions for socio economis development of poor tribal farmers of Nabarangapur district. I appreciate the district administration,line departments n senior scientists of different institutions for taking special care to make it grand success.
Friend In Deed In Time of Need . CSIR ICMR has always been the first to lend a helping hand.Its a team work. Extra ordinary leadership of our Collector Sir.
The efforts of the District Administration & ICMR/MMRC will definitely bring flying colours in agriculture & allied sectors for Nabarangpur district.
Very good project & it will be helpful for our Nabarangpur District
This is the best program
Very good project
Excellent & very good project for our tribal dominated area
This is tha best programe for the farmers develapment thanks to collector sir nabarangpur district.
Very good project and it will be beneficial to Nabarangpur people.
This is the best program for the farmers development …….thanks to collector sir Nabarangpur district…..
Very good project our farmer development and thanks our collecter .nabarangapur.
Thanks our collecter sir.
Thank’s to Nabarangpur district administration exlent work
Great initiative taken by our Nabarangpur Administrative.
This Innovation step is must important for farmers and us. So many many thanks to our district collector, Nabarangpur
Excellent job has done by the Administration. Good n Real Administrator is always doing the right things for the growth of empowerment of the livelhood people….
Very good project
Very good project and it will be beneficial to Nabarangpur people.
Good inovative programme
Good work
Excellent Job Done. Thanks to Collector,Nabarangpur & District Administration.
Excellent work. Great job
Excellent initiative steps taken by Nabarangpur District Administration
Excellent steps taken by Nabarangpur District Administration for Nabarangpuria
Excellent work done
A unique initiative, innovative as well as effective programme of district administration
Excellent n innovative programme..
Wonderful project, it will help to the community to develop their economical status,lot of thanks to Honorable Collector Dr.Ajit kumar Mishra and entire Team…
I Vote for Nabarangpur project, Very good project.
Good innovations & projects are really helpful to people. So my vote goes to my District Nabarangpur.
This is the best project for farmer’s development.
Heartful congratulation to our district administration for initiation of alround development of the district irrespective of many obstacles.
Excellent Work Done by Nabarangpur Administration
Excellent & very good project for our tribal dominated area
Excellent work, keep up the good job, God bless
It is nice to see such innovative projects initiated by district administration for the upliftment of rural people. All the projects are designed mainly considering the present socio economic conditions of rural people and perfectly matches with with PM’s Atmanirbhar Yojana. It is also a source of encouragement for other districts to follow.
All credit goes to Dr. Ajit Mishra and his team.
Thanks and Regards
Dr. K C Patra
Very good project ???????? I vote for the project.
One of the best project
Excellent work
Congratulations to DIstrict Administration Nawarangpur for taking such excellent initiatives
Excellent steps taken by Nabarangpur District Administration for Nabarangpuria
This work is excellent..
Very good technical training to the women and the women SHGs of this district by the scientific team. Very very thank to the District Administration for such innovations.
Excellent work done
Exemplary work done by the Dist administration under the able leadership of Collector &DM
Good Work
I think…….”this will be one among the best initiatives taken for all round development of poor farmers of Nabarangapur district under the overall supervision & guidance of our Hon’ble Collector, Dr. Ajit kumar Mishra”…..A definite vote for this project from my side..
A great initiative by govt and a excellent execution on the ground..
We are coming to this world for performing our job with sincerely for warfare to our society. Good Jobs are always receive complements ..
Thanksf for District Administration
Great work by Dist. administration.
Welfare to the people is equivalent to the worship of God
Excellent innovative idea
Helpful to society
The ant Intervention is a very good programme n it will change the economic standard of the farmers.Thanks to district administrations n dentists for their sincere effort.
its a good project for nabarangpur dist.
Its a good projects
Excellent work.
Excellent projects for socio,economlc Development of this tribal Dist.
Good initiatives for such type of intervention for poores6 of the poor people for overall development of farmers with capacity building and well adopted technologies to boost agriculture production and productivity and eradicate the starvation death.
Excellent & very good project for our tribal dominated area
Excellent & very good project for our tribal dominated area
Excellent & very good project for our tribal dominated area Thanks 2 our District Administration….
I Vote to Nabarangpur project and support it.
Excellent work
Excellent work
Good work
As a backward and tribal district Nabarangpur of Odisha, development is highly solicited in all sector like education, agriculture, Drinking water ,sanitation etc. Thanks for the District Administrator for implementing this type of programme.
Excellent project by the district administration.
Very good project. All stake holder are doing well. I vote for it.
Good work
Good work
Excellent Work
Excellent intiative by the district administration by using science and technology for the betterment to the common people.
Excellent & very good project for socio economic development
I vote
Excellent work
Ecellent work
Very good corporation in our district administrator in every situation.
Excellent work.Thanks district administration for empowering people through innovative projects.
Thanx to the Distruct Administration as well as our Honorable Collector sir.
A focused intervention to empower the local community with the latest technology developed by the premier research institute under umbrella of district adminstration to socase the integrated development that is brining apriciable change within short period of intervention.
This will benificial for the social economic development of the district as a whole as well as provide a excellant oppertunity to refine the technology of the insttute with the advancement of development in the field .
Its a innovative project. I salute to our district Administration.
This project very important for our District .
Very good steps by the Nabarangpur administration
Its a good project for nabarangpur district
Excellent initiative taken by District Administration. It will go a long way for socio-economic development and specially farmers will be benefited.
It’s a good project
It’s a Good project
It is a good project for nabarangpur district
It is a very good project for Nabrangpur District
It’s good
It’s very innovative and effective.
Its very innovative
Excellent project for Nabarangapur District for Agricultural and Educational development
Great work done by our administration.
Excellent intiative by the district administration
It’s Good
Excellent project for our district where more people depends on Agriculture…
A unique , innovative as well as effective programme of district administration
Very goog project
Excellent work
Excellent work done by nabarangpur administration
Excellent work, progressive initiation, arriving towards success.
A unique , innovative programme which leads my district in the world class category… This will motivate our younger Nabarangpurias ….
My vote is for the outstanding initiation of Dist. Administration towards achievement of Socio-Economic Development of the people of Nabarangpur District. I wish all success of this project.
Yes…I voted…. Great initiative of the District Administration… Best of Luck and Congratulations for the approaching project… Jay Maa Bhandaragharani,Jay Nabarangpur….
Good initiative.
Excellent project
Excellent model project for s&t intervention to uplift the rural poor, farmers. Could be replicable project for other backward districts in the country. Best wishes to project Director and team
Good project for nabarangpur dist administration
Grate initiative steps taken by Nabarangpur District Administration.We feel proud to work with our best collector Sir.
An excellent initiative.. #proud.
I welcome this project from the bottom of my heart..
I congratulate to all nabarangpuria for this project…
I congratulate to all nabarangpuria for this project….
Innovative project
Nice Project for the Farmers of our Nabarangpur District. Thanks to our Respected Collector cum DM
Yes,excellent initiative by our district administration.
I made sure to strictly follow the instructions in trusted to us in order to maintain discipline in each and every step assigned to us by the District administrators.
Good initiative by district administration Nabarangpur.
Thank you District Administration, Nabarangpur.
Its just wow…..excellent work
Excellent work has been done by this project in this backward tribal dominated inaccessible aspirational district for its socio-economic enlistment of the marginalized section of the of the society.
Really innovative and surely it will be useful in improving farming community.Great initiative by District Administration.
Excellent work has been done by this project in this backword trible
Good initiative by nabarangpur administration. Thank u
Nice project for the farmers of our nabarangpur district
Excellent work has been done by this project in this backward tribal dominated inaccessible aspirational district for its socio-economic enlistment of the marginalized section of the of the society.
Excellent Work
Great work done by district administration.
Excellent job by our district administration
Nabarangpur is a backward district & it needs developement in health , education & infrastructure Etc. Hence the developement & those responsible for it should be encouraged by all means..
Good project and innovative idea off our administration…
the Nabarangpur dist…..
Agriculture, farming & related people need the development I have mentioned earlier very badly . So any intervention , encouragement & award in the field is highly appreciable.
Very good initiative for future generation farmer.
I wonderr why my comment or anybody’s need moderation & approval !
Very good
it is an honor to be a part of this Dist. Administration towards achievement of Socio-Economic Development of the people of Nabarangpur District. i wish for the success and always will be ready to be a part of this kind of works.
Good work
Excellent work I think it will be very useful for future
It was excellent
Very very innovative and useful farming.but few farmers are get this opportunity.we have to do that how it will reach to all farmers.
This is a project where integrated intervene of different institution are done for upgradation of economic and social status of common people of Nabarangpur district of Odisha state. I wish all round success of this project.
The overall social and economic development of Nabrangpur in the last 2-3 years has been tremendous due to the smooth implementation of Government policies.
Thanks to the District Magistrate cum Collector Sir and whole administration those Who are involved with this.Best initiative by the administration.
Great idea for develop the specific field
Well idea by district administration
A firm initiative by collectorate Nabarangpur……This kind of support towards the people of the district is highly appreciative.
This kind of initiative from the collectorate Nabarangpur is highly appreciative and will be fruitful in the long run for sure.
Very nice project
Excellent model project for s&t intervention to uplift the rural poor, farmers. Could be replicable project for other backward districts in the country. Best wishes to project Director and team.
Asst.Teacher Khidingimal Pups,Raighar Block
This project give results towards the development
Thanks a lot to the District Administrations for this innovative project
Excellent initiative taken by District Administration. It will go a long way for socio-economic development and specially farmers will be benefited.
Excellent initiative by our DM sir to focus the tribal power of our dist.
Excellent work
All the best
It’s a good job. We support it.
Good step towards economic empoLaxmiwerment of the District.
Excellent project intervention to the rural economical development,it will be very useful for our district so excellent initiative taken by the district administration
Excellent initiative taken by District Administration. It will go a long way for socio-economic development and specially farmers will be benefited.
Excellent for our District management system
An inovative initiative by the district administration much more beneficial to the people.
Excellent initiative by the district administration
Good initiative.
I wish all success for the Scientific and Technological Development of the people of Nabarangpur District.
Great work and good initiative
I feel always happy on Nabarangpur administration. Specially thanks to Dr.A.K.Mishra sir for their support in all sector.
Excellent administration . Nabarangpur feel proud for Dr.Ajit Kumar Mishra
Very good
Very creative and excellent management… ????????
Excellent…. inspirational initiatives
Excellent initiative.
Excellent work done by District adminstration
A good initiative project intervention to the rural economical development,it will be very useful for nabarangpur district so excellent initiative taken by the district administration
Excellent work sir and we proud of it
Very good
Very good project
Very good project
Very nice initiative taken by the honourable collector..
excellent steps .
One of the good initiatives, needs to be implimented across Nation.
Amazing work done by District Administration… Keep it up!!!
It was an excellent work done by our administrative.
Excellent work.
Great initiative taken by our Nabarangpur Administrative.
Very good initiative by our esteemed Collector Sri Ajit Kumar Mishra District Collector Nabarangpur
Great initiative
I support the Skoch Exhibition
Outstanding work
Thanks Excellent work don a district admintration
This is to best program for the farmers development.
Thanks Excellent work don a district admintration
Very nice
Excellent work done by work
Excellent work of our District Magistrate
Excellent work done by our District Magistrate
Very good
Nabarangpur administration working best efforts in all sectors. Specifically thanks to Dr.A.K.Mishra sir for your activeness.
Dist.Administration initiate good steps for the project work.
super project
Good work
Nice Project
Nice project
Very interesting projects
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