Licensing for Manufacturing and Selling of Green Firecracker – Directorate of MSME

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Implementing Eco-Friendly Firecracker Licensing


  • Traditional firecrackers contribute to air and noise pollution, posing environmental hazards and health risks.
  • The unorganized nature of the fireworks industry threatens regulatory compliance.
  • Conventional licensing procedures reliant on manual paperwork lead to inefficiencies and delays.
  • Insufficient data insights on the firecracker manufacturing and selling industry hinder strategic decision-making.
  • The use of traditional firecrackers poses direct health risks to individuals, especially vulnerable populations.


  • The project adhered to ethical guidelines and principles prescribed by the IUCN.
  • Project was taken up in collaboration with Wildlife Wing, West Bengal who is responsible for habitat improvement and protection. 
  • The project complied with all relevant regulations and permits required for translocation and release of endangered species. 
  • Rigorous scientific selection criteria for red pandas chosen for release.
  • Monitoring of released red pandas through advanced collars and antenna.


  • 132 manufacturers and 1016 sellers licensed, boosting eco-friendly firecracker use.
  • Less air and noise pollution from green firecrackers, improving air quality.
  • Safer firecrackers reduce fire risks and injuries during festivals.
  • Real-time tracking enhances administrative efficiency and transparency.
  • Centralized licensing ensures industry-wide adherence to regulations.


  • Developed viable population of genetically and behaviorally competent individuals through conservation breeding.
  • Development of scientific protocols for rewilding and augmentation of red pandas.
  • 7 red pandas were released into the wild through proper scientific process. 
  • Scientific studies were conducted on the released red pandas and various parameters were recorded.
  • 5 individuals were born to 3 individuals after mating with wild red pandas.

SKOCH Award Nominee

Category: State Government – Micro Small and Medium Enterprise and Textile
Sub-Category: secState Government – Micro Small and Medium Enterprise and Textile
Project: Licensing for Manufacturing and Selling of Green Firecracker
Start Date: 8-23-2023
Organisation: Directorate of MSME
Respondent: Swaroop Udayakumar
Level: Premium Star


See Presentation

Case Study

Implementing Eco-Friendly Firecracker Licensing  


The Green Firecracker Licensing Module implemented within SilpaSathi aims to promote environmental sustainability, enhance regulatory compliance, and meet market demands for eco-friendly products in the fireworks industry. It leverages technology to streamline processes, address consumer preferences, and align with government initiatives for sustainable development. Future prospects include scalability to accommodate industry growth and adaptability to regulatory changes, ensuring ongoing effectiveness and compliance.


The firecracker industry faces challenges including environmental impacts like air and noise pollution, regulatory compliance issues due to its disorganization, cumbersome paper-based licensing processes causing delays, and a lack of comprehensive data hindering informed decision-making.


The firecracker industry in West Bengal, historically disorganized with many illegal operators, underwent a transformation with the introduction of an online licensing system for green firecracker manufacturing and sales. Launched in October 2023 by the Chief Minister, this system integrated five sub-modules into the Silpasathi portal, streamlining processes like NOC issuance and licensing. It aimed to mitigate delays and enhance transparency by enabling digital application submissions and real-time tracking. Features like user-friendly interfaces, automated workflows, collaborative approvals, and real-time monitoring were implemented to optimize efficiency and accountability.


The green firecracker licensing system in West Bengal streamlined an unorganized industry plagued by illegal practices. Launched in October 2023, it simplified licensing through an online platform on the Silpasathi portal, integrating multiple approval processes and real-time tracking. Challenges included industry resistance, regulatory complexities, and ensuring user adoption and data security. Positive outcomes include increased adoption of eco-friendly practices, reduced environmental impact, improved public safety, and enhanced administrative efficiency and transparency.


Implementing the green firecracker licensing system in West Bengal faced challenges such as industry resistance to change, regulatory compliance complexity, user training and adoption issues, and data security concerns.


The Green Firecracker Licensing Module in SilpaSathi innovatively promotes eco-friendly practices in the fireworks industry, enhancing regulatory compliance, meeting market demand for sustainable products, leveraging technological advancements, and supporting government initiatives for cleaner manufacturing practices.


The portal and database server are equipped to handle a growing number of Green Firecracker Manufacturers and Sellers, ensuring secure storage of their details. It is also flexible to accommodate future legal and regulatory changes in the industry, supporting ongoing growth and compliance efforts effectively.

For more information, please contact:
Swaroop Udayakumar at

(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)

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