Apni Kyari Apni Thali (AKAT): An Innovative Model for Nutritional Security of Rural Woman & Children – Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour

SKOCH Award Nominee
Category: Excellence in Health/HealthTech
Sub-Category: Governance – Health
Project: Apni Kyari Apni Thali (AKAT): An Innovative Model for Nutritional Security of Rural Woman & Children
Start Date: 01 March 2018
Organisation: Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
Respondent: Dr Ravindra Sohane
Level: Executive Plus
Voting has been closed for this project. Thank you for participating!
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For more information, please contact:
Dr Ravindra Sohane, Director Extension and Education
(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)
Apani Kyari Apani Thali is an innovative model for vegetables growers in Bihar where small and marginal farmers are in large number and are surviving on their fragmented non remunerative land. Onus to mitigate malnutrition and hidden hunger lies on these farmers.
Very innovative and farsightness. Such initiative will make beneficiaries economically sound and physically and mentally healthy.In fact helping the community directly and indirectly. Again, at national level also such type of community based programmes must be implemented.I wish all the very best for such programs in near future. Thanks & regards .Dr. Ruchi prasad ,nutritionist
It is an innovative idea,,which help many farmers
New Innovations helpful for farmers.
AKAT is another series of innovation by BAU, Sabaur and is specifically ensure to provide additional income and nutrition to the household family through backyard farming system!
Apani Kyari Apani Thali is an innovative model for vegetables growers in Bihar where small and marginal farmers are in large number and are surviving on their fragmented non remunerative land. Onus to mitigate malnutrition and hidden hunger lies on these farmers.
Micronutrient malnutrition is a global health crisis affecting peoples from every age groups. The initiative Apni Kyari Apni Thali will provide peoples a chemical free and quality food produce through very uncommon practices in India like Kitchen gardening in Rural and roof top farming in Urbans. The initiative is going to be a boon for Bihar
It is very informative and good idea for nutrition gardening
It is very informative and good idea for nutrition gardening.
This types of programe is essential for bihar
Apani Kyari Apani Thali is an innovative model for vegetables growers which ensures nutritional security in underprevileged districts of Bihar
New Innovations helpful for All.
Very innovative and very useful idea for the farmers of our country.
Excellent effort to fight poverty and malnutrition.
This project is good for nutrition security of the poor.
Very nice effort from Bihar Agricultural University SABOUR
Very interesting
It is very informative and good ideas for nutrition gardening.
Excellent & innovative! Farmers will be benefitted. ????
The program is very much useful for all the underprivileged women and children.
This project is running smoothly and beneficial for women and children.
The technical guidance for running AKAT for farm women will definitely help in catering nutritional security to the farm families. Wish all success.
Very good program
This is beneficial for poor women and children.
A step forward to health
A step forward to food diversity for promoting nutrition
A promising idea and ground work will help to revive mindset of rural community regarding health and nutrition.
A very good initiative by Bihar Agricultural university for the rural women and children. This should be popularised agressively among the rural folk to ensure their nutritional security. Bihar seems to be on the right path. Kudos !