Entrepreneurship Development in Madhya Pradesh through Self Employment Scheme – Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises , Government of Madhya Pradesh

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Self Employment SchemesĀ 


  • Presence of high rate of unemployment.
  • Limited scope of credit to the youth having weak financial background.
  • Heavy repayment & interest burden for new/first generation entrepreneurs.
  • 19.5% of the young population requires self employment schemes.


  • Implementation of Udyam Kranti Yojana to provide collateral free loans with reduced cost of credit.
  • Provision of Interest subvention & loan guarantee fee at prevailing rates.
  • Launched various other schemes such as Yuva Udyami & Swarozgar Yojana.
  • Provision of various benefits such as self certification & compliance, tax exemptions, financial and patents etc

SKOCH Award Nominee

Category: Other – State Department
Sub-Category: secOther – State Department
Project: Entrepreneurship Development in Madhya Pradesh through Self Employment Scheme
Start Date: 2020-01-01
Organisation: Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises , Government of Madhya Pradesh
Respondent: Mr P Narahari, Secretary & Industries Commissioner
Level: Executive Plus

See Presentation

For more information, please contact:
Mr P Narahari, Secretary & Industries Commissioner at adimsme@mp.gov.in

(The content on the page is provided by the Exhibitor)

The best way to show your appreciation for this project is to click some advertisements and keep a count of how many you clicked. You will be asked for the number of advertisements that you clicked before you can vote. The money generated through this supports our social action.

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